- What Is Our Payment Method?
- Pay by credit card (link will be provided)
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- Is Legal Translation a legal translation company in Riyadh, KSA?
Accredited by the relevant government authority, Saudi Chamber of Commerce, Legal Translation Riyadh Company has necessary approvals in providing certified legal translation for all types of official documents. Rest assured, legal translation executed by it is officially recognized by all the government bodies based in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically in Riyadh.
- How much time Legal Translation Riyadh needs to complete an urgent translation?
Although, timeline depends upon the number of pages for translation, however, we have the capability to complete small to medium sized documents within 1 to 3 hours maximum. However, a bulk project could take 24 hours to couple of days to completion.
- How to assess translation quality before deciding to go with Legal Translation Riyadh?
Addressing client’s concern to getting quality translation is highly appreciated by us. For that purpose, we offer our premium customers a sample translation up to 200 words without any charges. This way, client can do their satisfaction before they decide to proceed with our services.